Gomard – Partner, Group Sustainable Finance Lead, Mazars USA

Phuong Gomard

Ms. Gomard has over 15 years of experience in financial services.  She is now in charge of coordinating the development of the sustainable finance and climate change service offerings for Mazars Group.

Phuong has advised financial institutions in the UK and across Europe on the implementation of prudential regulations and risks standards including on climate change and sustainability. She helps clients strengthen their risk management framework, ensuring that all aspects of their businesses operate in-line with their strategy, risk appetite and in compliance with regulators’ expectations. In particular, she supports clients in addressing regulatory requirements and achieving compliance in relation to capital and liquidity adequacy, disclosure and reporting, including formal reporting to supervisory authorities. Phuong also helps clients understanding ESG risks, assessing their exposure, defining their position vis-à-vis those risks, designing policies and starting to implement disclosure processes.

Ms. Gomard earned an MBA in accounting and finance management from Grenoble Ecole de Management and is currently a candidate in the sustainability master’s degree program at the Harvard Extension School.

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