
There are 3 leadership groups in the SIFM – Officers, the Board of Directors and the President’s Advisory Council (PAC). Individuals serving in these capacities are SIFM members who have been actively involved with SIFM, have contributed to its development by participating in conferences and programs, and actively promoting the SIFM within their organizations.

Serving on the Board of Directors (Board) and the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) is a challenging and rewarding volunteer opportunity. While election and appointment to the SIFM Board and PAC is an honor, these groups also have important responsibilities that require a commitment of time, skills and resources.

SIFM Officers

The Officers consist of the President, Executive Vice President and Vice Present/Treasurer.  Although the term of office is 2 years, the EVP and VP move into the next level at the end of their term; potentially the serving for 6 years.

Board of Directors

The purpose of the Board of Directors is to promote the objectives and mission of the SIFM among colleagues within their organizations and among their peers in the industry, to support the conferences, meetings and Special Interest Groups as well as to support events or projects that the SIFM sponsors.

The Board ensures that the organization’s activities are consistent with its established mission and objectives, and in accordance with the articles of incorporation, bylaws and constitution.  The Board assures the continuity of the organization including the maintenance of adequate financial resources so the SIFM can fulfill its mission. Board members are elected for 2-year terms.

President’s Advisory Council

The goal of the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) is to promote the objectives and mission of the SIFM among colleagues within their organizations and among their peers in the industry, to support the conferences, meetings and Special Interest Groups as well as to support events or projects that the SIFM sponsors.

The President’s Advisory Council is selected by the President and consists of members who wish to more actively contribute to the SIFM. Although PAC membership is non-voting and does not have the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of Board membership, PAC members are expected to contribute to activities in support of the organization’s mission and objectives.  PAC membership provides a great opportunity to demonstrate commitment to the SIFM as well as cultivating prospective board members. 

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