Service Guidelines

Serving on the Board of Directors (Board) and the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) is a challenging and rewarding volunteer opportunity. While election and appointment to the SIFM Board and PAC is an honor, these groups also have important responsibilities that require a commitment of time, skills and resources.


The purpose of the Board of Directors and the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) is to promote the objectives and mission of the SIFM among colleagues within their organizations and among their peers in the industry, to support the conferences, meetings and Special Interest Groups as well as to support events or projects that the SIFM sponsors.

Board of Directors Responsibilities

  • Ensure that the organization’s activities are consistent with its established mission and objectives, and in accordance with the articles of incorporation, bylaws and constitution
  • Assure the continuity of the organization including the maintenance of adequate financial resources so the SIFM can fulfill its mission
  • Support the SIFM by providing resources such as speakers, conference or meeting space
  • Attend a majority of Board meetings in-person or by teleconference
  • Assist in reviewing the financial statements to ensure that they support and are consistent with the mission and budget
  • To act with integrity in the fulfillment of the organization’s mission

President’s Advisory Council Responsibilities

The President’s Advisory Council is selected by the President and consists of members who wish to more actively contribute to the SIFM. Although PAC membership is non-voting and does not have the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of Board membership, PAC members are expected to contribute to activities in support of the organization’s mission and objectives. PAC membership provides a great opportunity to demonstrate commitment to the SIFM as well as cultivating prospective board members.

Expectatons of Individual Members of the Board and the PAC

  • To understand and support the organization’s mission, governance and programs
  • To provide advice, counsel and support to the organization and its officers
  • Regularly attend and actively participate in board meetings and events
  • Attend ad-hoc conference calls, in addition to the quarterly meetings, as needed to discuss and decide items/issues relevant to the organization’s activities
  • Review the agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings
  • Lead or actively participate in the preparation, development and support of quarterly programs, special initiatives and outreach. Examples include:
    • Volunteering to be a program leader (TBD – define what this entails)
    • Recruitment of speakers
    • Active participation in the development of high- quality programs
    • Providing meeting space
    • Industry outreach for member recruitment
  • Suggest nominees to the Board or PAC who can make significant contributions to the SIFM
  • Assist in orienting new Board or PAC members to the mission, purpose and programs of SIFM
  • To act with legal and ethical integrity in all activities executed on behalf of the SIFM
  • To inform colleagues and industry peers about SIFM and advocate on behalf of the organization
  • To avoid or identify potential conflicts of interest or the or the appearance of conflicts of interest; e.g.:
    • In the engagement of vendors/consultants
    • In requests for expense reimbursement (TBD – establishment of guidance for expense reimbursement)

Nomination and Election of Members of the Board of Directors and the President’s Advisory Council

According the bylaws and constitution the Board of Directors and the President’s Advisor Council are defined as:

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of all officers of the Society, the three most recent past presidents, who comprise the Nominating Committee (with the most recent past president chairperson), and other elected members (not less than seven or more than twelve).

Board of Directors, other than officers, and the three most recent past presidents shall be elected at the annual business meeting, after nomination by the Nominating Committee and ratification by the Board of Directors.

Procedure for Joining the Board of Directors or the President’s Advisory Council

Board of Directors, other than officers, and the three most recent past presidents shall be elected at the annual business meeting, after nomination by the Nominating Committee and ratification by the Board of Directors.

Members of the PAC shall be appointed by the President.

  1. Notify the Executive Director or the President detailing an interest in the organization
  2. Write a note explaining:
    • Position interested in on the Board or on the PAC
    • Length of time you have been a member of SIFM
    • Why are you interested in becoming Board or PAC member (approximately 100 words)?
    • What unique contributions you can make as a Board or PAC member?
    • What do you think needs to be done to improve SIFM and keep it vibrant and relevant to today’s younger managers?
    • What would you hope to get out your time on the Board or PAC?
    • What skills, leadership experience can you bring to the Board or PAC?
  3. The submission will be reviewed by the SIFM nominating committee for the board positions and by the President for PAC positions. Nominees will be notified.
  4. Membership on the Board or PAC will occur at the Annual Business Meeting which takes place at the Annual Conference in September of each year
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