Grigg – Executive Managing Director, Cyber Reinsurance Solutions, Aon

David Grigg

Mr. Grigg leads the US Cyber reinsurance team. He joined Aon in April 2023 and brings a wealth of experience in both broking and underwriting. His understanding of global cyber and associated long-tail exposures enables him to develop products to meet clients’ needs and co-ordinate the work of a diverse team of broking, risk capital and analytics experts.

David was previously at AXA XL, where in his role as CUO Americas professional and cyber, he was responsible for the North America cybertech portfolio focusing on profitability and portfolio optimization through the implementation of growth strategies, while also executing underwriting actions to mitigate the impact of extortion and ransom attacks.

Mr. Grigg earned a BA in architecture from The University of Western Australia and an MS in architecture and urban design from Columbia University.

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